Recent Publications

August 2023-December 2023

PSI Faculty: Edgar Cahoon, James Van Etten, Heriberto Cerutti, Yufeng Ge, Katarzyna Glowacka, David Holding, David Hyten, Saet-Byul Kim, Marc Libault, Jennifer Markham, Jeff Mower, Etsuko Moryiama, Toshihiro Obata, Clemencia Rojas, Rebecca Roston, Sabrina Russo, Daniel Schachtman, James Schnable, Harkamal Walia, Jinliang Yang, Bin Yu, Lirong Zeng, Chi Zhang

  1. Blume, R. Y., R. Kalendar, L. Guo, E. B. Cahoon and Y. B. Blume "Overcoming genetic paucity of Camelina sativa: possibilities for interspecific hybridization conditioned by the genus evolution pathway." Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1259431.
  2. Braun, E., A. Singh, R. Tan, J. Schnable, L. Newton and A. Thompson (2023). Comparative genomics to improve genotype-phenotype associations in maize and sorghum.
  3. Chai, Y. N., Y. Qi, E. Goren, D. Chiniquy, A. M. Sheflin, S. G. Tringe, J. E. Prenni, P. Liu and D. P. Schachtman "Root-associated bacterial communities and root metabolite composition are linked to nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum." mSystems 0(0): e01190-01123.
  4. Chamara, N., G. Bai and Y. Ge (2023). "AICropCAM: Deploying classification, segmentation, detection, and counting deep-learning models for crop monitoring on the edge." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 215: 108420.
  5. Delavaux, C. S., J. A. LaManna, J. A. Myers, R. P. Phillips, S. Aguilar, D. Allen, A. Alonso, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, M. E. Baker, J. L. Baltzer, P. Bissiengou, M. Bonfim, N. A. Bourg, W. Y. Brockelman, D. F. R. P. Burslem, L.-W. Chang, Y. Chen, J.-M. Chiang, C. Chu, K. Clay, S. Cordell, M. Cortese, J. den Ouden, C. Dick, S. Ediriweera, E. C. Ellis, A. Feistner, A. L. Freestone, T. Giambelluca, C. P. Giardina, G. S. Gilbert, F. He, J. Holík, R. W. Howe, W. Huaraca Huasca, S. P. Hubbell, F. Inman, P. A. Jansen, D. J. Johnson, K. Kral, A. J. Larson, C. M. Litton, J. A. Lutz, Y. Malhi, K. McGuire, S. M. McMahon, W. J. McShea, H. Memiaghe, A. Nathalang, N. Norden, V. Novotny, M. J. O’Brien, D. A. Orwig, R. Ostertag, G. G. Parker, R. Pérez, G. Reynolds, S. E. Russo, L. Sack, P. Šamonil, I. F. Sun, M. E. Swanson, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, J. Vandermeer, X. Wang, I. Ware, G. D. Weiblen, A. Wolf, S.-H. Wu, J. K. Zimmerman, T. Lauber, D. S. Maynard, T. W. Crowther and C. Averill (2023). "Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity." Communications Biology 6(1): 1066.
  6. Deng, M., H. Chen, W. Zhang, E. B. Cahoon, Y. Zhou and C. Zhang (2023). "Genetic improvement of tocotrienol content enhances the oxidative stability of canola oil." Frontiers in Plant Science 14.
  7. Głowacka, K., Kromdijk, J., Salesse-Smith, C.E., Smith, C., Driever, S.M. and Long, S.P. (2023), Is chloroplast size optimal for photosynthetic efficiency?. New Phytol, 239: 2197-2211. 
  8. Hao, J., Y. Yang, S. Futrell, E. A. Kelly, C. M. Lorts, B. Nebie, S. Runo, J. Yang, S. Alvarez, J. R. Lasky and D. P. Schachtman (2023). "CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Mutagenesis of Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenase (CCD) Genes in Sorghum Alters Strigolactone Biosynthesis and Plant Biotic Interactions." Phytobiomes Journal 7(3): 339-351.
  9. Harrold A, Cruikshank A, Penas B, Roston RL. Introducing high school biology students to biochemistry with a short, content-oriented module. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2023; 51(6): 685–690.
  10. Huanca-Nuñez, N., Chazdon, R. L., & Russo, S. E. (2023). Effects of large mammal exclusion on seedling communities depend on plant species traits and landscape protection in human-modified Costa Rican forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 2561–2572.
  11. Huerter, B. G., K. C. Johnson, B. G. Coutu, B. Thedinger, N. R. Bennion, C. Zheng and C. Zhang (2023). "COX inhibitor use during definitive radiotherapy is associated with worse hearing preservation in patients with vestibular schwannoma." Journal of Neuro-Oncology.
  12. Hurst, J.P., Sato, S., Ferris, T., Yobi, A., Zhou, Y., Angelovici, R., Clemente, T.E. and Holding, D.R. (2023), Editing the 19 kDa alpha-zein gene family generates non-opaque2-based quality protein maize. Plant Biotechnol. J.
  13. Jin, X., H. Du, C. Zhu, H. Wan, F. Liu, J. Ruan, J. P. Mower and A. Zhu (2023). "Haplotype-resolved genomes of wild octoploid progenitors illuminate genomic diversifications from wild relatives to cultivated strawberry." Nature Plants 9(8): 1252-1266.
  14. Katimbo, A., D. R. Rudnick, J. Zhang, Y. Ge, K. C. DeJonge, T. E. Franz, Y. Shi, W.-z. Liang, X. Qiao, D. M. Heeren, I. Kabenge, H. N. Nakabuye and J. Duan (2023). "Evaluation of artificial intelligence algorithms with sensor data assimilation in estimating crop evapotranspiration and crop water stress index for irrigation water management." Smart Agricultural Technology 4: 100176.
  15. Konda, A. R., M. Gelli, C. Pedersen, R. E. Cahoon, C. Zhang, T. Obata and E. B. Cahoon (2023). "Ge E biofortification: Maximizing oilseed tocotrienol and total vitamin E tocochromanol production by use of metabolic bypass combinations." Metabolic Engineering 79: 66-77.
  16. Liang, H., J. P. Mower and C. P. Chia (2023). "Functional Prokaryotic-Like Deoxycytidine Triphosphate Deaminases and Thymidylate Synthase in Eukaryotic Social Amoebae: Vertical, Endosymbiotic, or Horizontal Gene Transfer?" Molecular Biology and Evolution 40(12).
  17. Liang, S., C. Zhang and M. Zhu (2023). "Ab Initio Prediction of 3-D Conformations for Protein Long Loops with High Accuracy and Applications to Antibody CDRH3 Modeling." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.
  18. Liang, Z., X. Meng and J. C. Schnable (2023). A Transferable Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Transcriptional Responses of Genes Across Species. Plant Gene Regulatory Networks: Methods and Protocols. K. Kaufmann and K. Vandepoele. New York, NY, Springer US: 361-379.
  19. Lopes, L. D. and D. P. Schachtman (2023). "Rhizosphere and bulk soil bacterial community succession is influenced more by changes in soil properties than in rhizosphere metabolites across a maize growing season." Applied Soil Ecology 189: 104960.
  20. Murad, M. O. F., J. Ackerson, C. Tolles, K. Meissner, C. L. S. Morgan and Y. Ge (2023). "Estimating soil organic carbon content at variable moisture contents using a low-cost spectrometer." Geoderma 440: 116723.
  21. Nie, S., Y. Ge and M. C. Vuran (2023). On Crop Canopy Scattering for Integrated mmWave Sensing and Communication in Agricultural Fields. 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), IEEE.
  22. Nolasco, E., I. Krassovskaya, K. Hong, K. Hansen, S. Alvarez, T. Obata and K. Majumder (2023). "Sprouting alters metabolite and peptide contents in the gastrointestinal digest of soybean and enhances in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity." Journal of Functional Foods 109: 105780.
  23. Palali Delen, S., J. Lee and J. Yang (2023). "Improving the metal composition of plants for reduced Cd and increased Zn content: molecular mechanisms and genetic regulations." Cereal Research Communications.
  24. Quattrone, A., M. Lopez-Guerrero, P. Yadav, M. A. Meier, S. E. Russo and K. A. Weber "Interactions between root hairs and the soil microbial community affect the growth of maize seedlings." Plant, Cell & Environment n/a(n/a).
  25. Quattrone, A., Y. Yang, P. Yadav, K. A. Weber and S. E. Russo (2023). "Nutrient and Microbiome-Mediated Plant–Soil Feedback in Domesticated and Wild Andropogoneae: Implications for Agroecosystems." Microorganisms 11(12): 2978.
  26. Quiñones, C., M. A. Adviento-Borbe, W. Larazo, R. S. Harris, K. Mendez, S. S. Cunningham, Z. C. Campbell, K. Medina-Jimenez, N. T. Hein, D. Wagner, B. Ottis, H. Walia and A. Lorence (2023). "Field-based infrastructure and cyber–physical system for the study of high night air temperature stress in irrigated rice." The Plant Phenome Journal 6(1): e20085.
  27. Runxian Yu, Xudong Chen, Lingjie Long, Matthias Jost, Ran Zhao, Lumei Liu, Jeffrey P Mower, Claude W dePamphilis, Stefan Wanke, Yuannian Jiao. (2023) De novo Assembly and Comparative Analyses of Mitochondrial Genomes in Piperales, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 15, Issue 3.
  28. Shi, Y.; Tang, H.; Baine, M.J.; Hollingsworth, M.A.; Du, H.; Zheng, D.; Zhang, C.; Yu, H. 3DGAUnet: 3D Generative Adversarial Networks with a 3D U-Net Based Generator to Achieve the Accurate and Effective Synthesis of Clinical Tumor Image Data for Pancreatic Cancer. Cancers 202315, 5496.
  29. Sun, S., B. Wang, C. Li, G. Xu, J. Yang, M. B. Hufford, J. Ross-Ibarra, H. Wang and L. Wang (2023). "Unraveling Prevalence and Effects of Deleterious Mutations in Maize Elite Lines across Decades of Modern Breeding." Molecular Biology and Evolution 40(8).
  30. Tian, Q.; Zhang, H.; Bian, L.; Zhou, L.; Ge, Y. Three-Dimensional Quantification and Visualization of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Poplar Saplings under Drought Using SFM-MVS. Forests 202415, 20.
  31. Zhan, Y., R. Zhang, Y. Zhou, V. Stoerger, J. Hiller, T. Awada and Y. Ge (2023). "Rapid online plant leaf area change detection with high-throughput plant image data." Journal of Applied Statistics 50(14): 2984-2998.
  32. Zou, Y., Wang, J., Peng, D. et al. Multi-integrated genomic data for Passiflora foetida provides insights into genome size evolution and floral development in PassifloraMol Horticulture 3, 27 (2023).