Collective Research Organization of Plant Scientists | CROPS

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2023-24 CROPS Board Members

Pritha Kundu photo

Pritha Kundu

"I am a responsible and highly motivated individual, and my goal is to bring together a community of young vibrant plant scientists from UNL to that of the world. I am also interested in organizing several professional development courses for the plant scientists of UNL that would be highly beneficial in paving the way for the future."


Jithesh Vijayan photo

Jithesh Vijayan
Vice President, Social Chair

"I have served on student organizations and governing bodies of scientific societies. So, I am experienced in impacting change by working in/with a group. I intend to work on building kinship among the ECRs/ stakeholders of CROPS and build a self-sustaining community. Some of the community-building activities that I intend to bring under CROPS’ umbrella include peer mentoring, training programs for reviewing research articles/grants, and building networks with industries and other student groups across the country. Incentivizing community building with a focus on participation from more ECRs (more than just the office-bearers) will enable wider participation and return on investment (money and efforts)."

Asha Kumari photo

Asha Kumari

"I am currently doing a postdoc in the Glowacka lab in the Biochemistry Department. I have strong time management, I am easygoing, and am a critical thinker both at the bench and in my daily life. I am experienced in organizing events and have helped to plan social and fundraising events in the past. I hope to expand upon my experience as the new CROPS secretary and communicate to our community all the exciting events CROPS will be planning."

Akashdeep Kamboj photo

Akashdeep Kamboj

"I am currently a PhD student working on projects related to Hybrid Wheat in the Small Grains Breeding Program under the mentorship of Dr. Katherine Frels at UNL. I am eager to expand my horizon for the position of Treasurer. Although new to such organizational activities, I am enthusiastic about the learning opportunities it presents. The Treasurer’s role, involving the management of funds (CROPS and Foundation accounts), record-keeping of transactions, liaising with donors, and assisting in event organization, resonates with my skills and interests. I am committed to bringing transparency, efficiency, and innovative ideas to the financial operations of our organization, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally for our collective goals."

Libia Gomez-Trejo photo

Libia Gómez-Trejo
Public Relations Officer

"I received my bachelor’s degree in Agronomy with a specialization in Plant Health from the Chapingo Autonomous University in Mexico in 2022. After that, I worked for one year at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), where my research focused on elucidating plant-pathogen interactions in the tar spot disease of maize and on searching for atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus strains for biocontrol. In this job, I was able to be part of wide and diverse teams that enabled me to see the importance of teamwork, empathy and support. As an undergrad and during my first job experience, I became interested in joining wet lab and computational approaches to better understand biological processes in plants and associated organisms. I would like to become the Public Relations Officer since I really enjoy getting people involved in events that are impactful and making them develop smoothly."

Fall 2023 Events

CROPS Nov 2023 event
Dr. Addie Thompson from Michigan State University gave a seminar for CROPS and Agronomy and Horticulture in November 2023.
Crops October 2023 event photo
CROPS hosted a social event at Roca Berry Farm in October 2023.
CROPS event in October 2023
Rebecca Roston, CROPS advisor and Associate Director of PSI, hosted a workshop on conflict management in September 2023.