PSI Research Group Meetings


A group of people watching a research presentation in a classroom


Meetings are held at 12:00 pm (noon) on the third Monday of the month in Beadle E228 and via Zoom. Food is provided. There will be no presentations in December, June, or July.

September 16, 2024Dr. Yufeng Ge and Dr. Zhongjie Ji
October 21, 2024Dr. Daniel Schachtman and Dr. Edgar Cahoon
November 18, 2024Dr. Chi Zhang and Dr. Seema Sahay
January 27, 2025Dr. James Schnable and Dr. David Holding
February 17, 2025Dr. Jinliang Yang and Dr. Huang Li
March 17, 2025Dr. Toshihiro Obata and Dr. Harkamal Walia
April 21, 2025Dr. Rebecca Roston and Dr. Edgar Cahoon
May 19, 2025Dr. Clemencia Rojas and Dr. Saet-Byul Kim
On Standby: Dr. Lirong Zeng, Dr. Etsuko Moriyama, Dr. David Hyten, Dr. Bin Yu, Dr. Heriberto Cerutti