Student Spotlight: Michael Tross

Michael Tross

Michael Tross

Program: Complex Biosystems
Graduate Student in the Schnable Lab

  • How do you think PSI has helped the plant science community in general? Would you recommend others to participate in the labs that are involved within PSI?
    • They hold events that bring people from UNL and across the Midwest into one general area to build collaborations and invite experienced researchers who have exposure to industry and academia. General seminars are also held by CROPS, PSI, and individual labs. These seminars end up exposing a lot of graduate students to an array of areas in plant science. Students get to participate in social events to get a taste of the plant science community by forming friendships, creating memories, and making scientific discoveries! I would recommend others to participate in the labs that are a part of PSI because each lab and PI are from different plant science backgrounds and have a diverse knowledge of their expertise. It also creates a diverse background in not only the collaborations, but it also transfers over to every individual's career and academic journey.
  • What does PSI mean to you and how has the center helped you prosper in your career?
    • PSI has given me collaborations, mentors, and friendships that will last throughout my graduation and my career. It has impacted me positively by providing me with the confidence and knowledge to go after my ambitions and dreams. I recently completed an internship at Google X this last spring, you can read all about it in the PSI News Stories section of the newsletter!
  • Where do you see yourself in the next ten years and what is one thing you would say to the younger version of yourself?
    • I see myself working in the private sector, hopefully working with plant genetics. I would tell myself that you need to have fun and make relationships count. Also, to live in the moment and not depend so much on the future, but also to keep your eyes on the future.
  • Looking back on your time within PSI, what are you most proud of and what do you consider to be the strengths of PSI?
    • I found a mentor who not just mentors but also provides advice for my personal, financial, and academic journey. The strengths within PSI are the strong community and easy access to interdisciplinary research.