Fieldwork at the UNL Havelock Farm, which is part of Dr. James Schnable and Dr. Jinliang Yang's DOE funded collaboration.
Edgar Cahoon, Director, Rebecca Roston, Associate Director, and Nikee Shrestha, winner of the Heuermann fellowship, had a great visit with Nebraska legend Keith Heuermann, and enjoyed a lively discussion on popcorn breeding and life. (Pictured: Nikee Shrestha and Keith Heuermann)
James Schnable's lab collects data in the field.
Saet-Byul Kim in the Havelock Farm fields.
Crop-to-Food Innovation REEU students with program mentor Edgar Cahoon.
Sarah Johnson successfully defended her dissertation, pictured with her committee. She will continue her career at Bayer Science.
Jinliang Yang's lab in front of Plant Sciences Hall.
Ravi Mural (Schnable Lab) presented his poster at the S1069 UAS/Drone in Agriculture Multistate Meeting.
Nathan Abshire and Toshihiro Obata after Abshire successfully defended his dissertation.
Crop-to-Food Innovation REEU student Lucas Kramer, who is mentored by David Holding, crosses sweet corn lines.
A member of the Cahoon Lab collects seed at Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami, Florida.
Jeremy Brown (Roston Lab) presents his research at IPG2023!
Saet-Byul Kim (center front) poses with colleagues at the the MPMI conference.
Katarzyna Glowacka's lab hosts an event with 12 Girl Scouts from across Nebraska.
Katarzyna Glowacka's lab hosts an event with 12 Girl Scouts from across Nebraska.
Katarzyna Glowacka's lab hosts an event with 12 Girl Scouts from across Nebraska.
Katarzyna Glowacka's lab hosts an event with 12 Girl Scouts from across Nebraska.