David Holding
Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Lincoln NE 68583-0660 - Phone
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Research Interests: The endosperm constitutes the major seed storage tissue in cereals and aside from its role in supporting seed germination and early growth, it is vital as a food source in humans and livestock and has many industrial applications. Maize is an incomplete protein source since its storage proteins are deficient in the essential amino acids, lysine and tryptophan. Quality Protein Maize (QPM) is a variety of corn which is a complete protein source. Research is at the intersection of basic and applied cereal seed development especially in terms of endosperm maturation, the genes involved and how we can make more nutritious varieties. Current Research Projects: 1. Investigating the nature, mode of action and applications of opaque-2 modifier (QPM) genes. We use transcriptional, proteomic and metabolic profiling as well as biotechnological approaches to study these genes. 2. Using CRISPR gene editing to selectively edit prolamin genes in maize and sorghum for improved protein quality and digestibility 3. Functional genomics of maize endosperm development and proteome rebalancing 4. Breeding of Quality Protein Popcorn (QPP), Quality Protein Sweet corn (QPS) and colored sweet corn varieties.
Graduate student mentorship through the following programs: